Monday, May 17, 2010

"Art as Currency" : One Hospital's Unique Approach to Helping Artists Afford Medical Visits

While some nations (like France and Japan) sponsor programs that support "starving artists," the US isn't know for helping artists obtain affordable health care, and as the national health care crisis continues, "starving artists" (and "starving anyone" for that matter) are forced to live without insurance - and thus, without proper medical care.

But one hospital is taking health care assistance into its own hands. Brooklyn's Woodhull Medical Center has developed a unique way to help artists through its Artist Access Program. The hospital's program allows artists to use their own creativity as currency for medical services at Woodhull.

Program coordinator, Amy Duquette, recently discussed the program, stating,

"The artists provide a wide range of imaginative services. One artist, trained in yoga breathing and self-soothing, helps breast-cancer patients remain calm and centered while they are waiting to be seen. Others might read to pediatric patients in that waiting room. An actor might put on role-playing sessions for staff, helping them rehearse how to break bad news to ppatients and loved ones."

Uninsured patients at the Brooklyn public hospital pay a flat fee for doctor's visits (which include most lab work and x-rays). Artists earn 40 credits / hour of participation in the Artist Access Program, and just one hour of participation pays for two medical visits. By the end of 2008, over 400 artists had earned credit through the successful program - benefiting both the hospital and the artist patients.

The project coordinator also announced a new program that will include photographers taking pictures of newborns which will be given to the mother as a thank-you for choosing Woodhull Hospital.

It seems art and medicine are leading to some interesting and mutually beneficial collaborations at this Brooklyn hospital... hopefully other institutions will see the success of these programs and follow their lead!